Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Here I Am

I have betrayed you all. I am now an avid Tumblr user. My Tumblr url is Hope to see you all there.

Monday, May 3, 2010

THIS... is American Idol.

I'm pissed that Chavahn went home. I loved Shibbaan. I really did. So what if she over did the screaming thing?! No one else could do it at all so she kind of should have won. The part that really gets my gears a grindin' about this situation is that the judges' save should have gone to Cinna Bon. Using it on Big Mike was a Big Mike-stake. Chubbon was a performer, an artist, and, above all, a kick-ass question-answerer. Every single time Simon tried to give her crap for her song selection or style, she had an answer that was as eloquent as it was inspired and inspirational. And her answers were very inspired and inspirational. Shuppan's time on the American Idol stage was super short-lived. She never got a chance to sing like a Whitney Houstin song or that one song from Dream Girls about not going. Big Mike-stake, Aaron (the one who looks like he belongs on the Chinese Olympic team... seriously, he looks like he is five. Too young!), and Casey (you say Mr. Blue Eyes, I say TARZAN!!!!!!!!!) all need to go. Fer rulz.