So in case you have been dead for the last week or two, let me first take a minute to explain Formspring to you before I talk about how it is the worst thing ever. BASICALLY you get to anonymously ask anyone with a Formspring account any question you want. The anonymous part (unfortunately) totally works. You question is then sent to their inbox and then the person chooses if they want to answer it. If they do, it is posted on their profile. If they don't choose to answer the question then it is deleted and goes unanswered and unacknowledged.
As any perfectly self-disciplined and self-respecting individual would assume, Formspring is primarily used as an opportunity to be an anonymous asshole. Even I have found myself amazed by what I am willing to say to people on Formspring. I am not a cyber-bully (though, since those Chanel 1 commercials about cyber-bullying in junior high school, cyber-bully has been a title I have been anxiously waiting to earn), but I have said things to people that I would never say to them on Facebook and certainly would never even nightmare of saying to them in real life. I mostly just use Formspring to confess sexual interest in people. Which is terrible. I know. I'm going to Hell but oh well.
As any perfectly self-disciplined and self-respecting individual would assume, Formspring is primarily used as an opportunity to be an anonymous asshole. Even I have found myself amazed by what I am willing to say to people on Formspring. I am not a cyber-bully (though, since those Chanel 1 commercials about cyber-bullying in junior high school, cyber-bully has been a title I have been anxiously waiting to earn), but I have said things to people that I would never say to them on Facebook and certainly would never even nightmare of saying to them in real life. I mostly just use Formspring to confess sexual interest in people. Which is terrible. I know. I'm going to Hell but oh well.