Once upon a time there was a kid named Alec. I would say 'there was a boy named Alec' but for some reason, that makes him sound too young. He is a boy, though. And he has a blog. His blog is called My Hips Do Lie. My Hips Do Lie has seven followers and almost sixty views. Alec, understandably, is quite happy with himself. Wouldn't you be happy too if people told you that things they read on your blog make them actually laugh out loud? Yes, you really would. Really.
Okay, on the serious, I do want to address some things before this blog gets out of hand or something. So here we go.
- I love all of my friends. Just because I don't write about you doesn't mean you're not a favorite. You're probably just not that funny. Sorry.
- I have no clue what 'My Hips Do Lie' means. Obviously the idea came from the Shakira song but I have no clue what that song means either. I have dishonest hips! What can I say?
- No, I do not plan on discussing my love life on my blog. Chia Pets probably have better love lives than I do... I mean, there is just straight up not that much to write about in that department. And what there is, no one wants to hear about. Trust me.
- No, I will never be pope. Yes it is very funny to joke about. No one should be offended. I'm not Catholic but the pope is a public figure. I am allowed to talk about him and his wardrobe... that's not off limits just because I don't practice what he preaches.
- Sorry, but chances are I do not read your blog. I know, I know. That is TERRIBLE. But I can't stand reading blogs. People ramble too much. I'm not retarded, though. I know I do it too... it's just better when I do it. But fer surrusly, I love blogging and what it allows people to do so please don't think I'm an asshole and that I only blog for the attention... I blog because I like writing and because I do think I have some things to say that people should hear and this is a great, healthy, creative outlet through which I can easily express those things.
- It is hard for me to write paragraphs. I know. Note all of my entries that are lists (Andy Warhol, Short Letters, this... just to name a few). Sorry, I'm trying to get better at paragraphs.
And the moral of this story is...
...I don't care if I have a legitimate moral. Sometimes.